
Romans 8–16 for You is unavailable, but you can change that!

Timothy Keller’s Romans 8–16 for You is a personal or group study that walks you through the book of Romans, showing how it transforms hearts and lives today. Designed as an easily readable resource, this text takes you to the heart of Paul’s theological masterwork and offers guidance in applying the truths found there. Covering the second half of Romans, this resource can be used as a guide to...

Chapter 12 marks a turning point, the beginning of a new chapter. “Therefore,” (v 1) Paul begins; he is about to give an outline of Christian living that should issue from a knowledge of and trust in the gospel he has been explaining. Thus, verses 1–2 are a summary of the whole of the Christian life! What is the motivation for Christian living? Verse 1 gives us our primary motive, summed up in two words. “Therefore,”
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